Vue de chez Joris

at Radio Centraal
Tuesday the 16th

I am situated 8 meters from a long window. Some branches are hiding the global view.
On the upper part, there are clouds.
On the left part of the picture, the tallest branch (the 4th one from the left) has only one leaf.
On the right side, the sky is bright and blue.
Two pieces of rope, parallel to each other, cross the view ; no clothes on it.

There is a hangar with a triangle roof. We have a frontal view of this trian- gle. There’s a little hole on it through which we can see the river.
Under it, there are decorations : a helmet with wings (46 cm diameter) and the steering wheel of a boat.

Far, on the other side of the Schelde and behind the hangar, we can see a huge apartment. Branches are taller than the flat. Ten floors are visible. Built in the 60ies. Flat roof. Many pipes and antennas on it.
Still on the roof, there is a penthouse. Next to it, there is a shape, maybe a human ?

Also on the other side there are some trees. Statistically, one seagull appears every 20 seconds.

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