Vue de chez Nadia

Saturday the 20th, 15:02

The postman is delivering a letter in my letterbox. 
There is a very big tree on the left, 4 meters tall.

In front, two trees have been cutted and there’s a plank on it to make a bench.
On the right, there is my garage where my dad put his car. Now there’s no car, he left.
On the left of the garage, there is a sidewalk.
Bushes make the frontier between my garden and the road. 
They also di- vide the houses between each other.
My house is situated on a corner ; my garden is a semicircle.
From my window I see all the same houses.
Houses on the left, houses on the right, and a road in the middle, going to the horizon.
10 houses on the left, 2 houses on the right. 
They have two floors (1st floor is the living-room and kitchen, 2nd floor are the bedrooms.)
The house’s doors are made of tinted glass.
Every house has a garden and a garage in front. 
The garage is made of con- crete, with a big door. (not automatic ; you need keys)
The seventh garage from the left has christmas decorations.

Vue de chez Chris

New York 
Friday the 19th, 20:05

There are skyscrapers all around.
Half a km away, the towers are 45 floors.

Directly in front, I see the top of another skyscraper. Only the top, I don’t see the floors, because it’s 2 floors down.
On the right tehre is a water-tower. It’s has circular wooden structure, very very big. The closest skyscraper is on the right, about 15 m from me, I can’t see the roof from here. There are many towers in perspective.
On the left of the window, the river, a quarter km further.
Several boats which look small but are actually very big. A floating house without window, which is on the same side of the water than I am. Further is the shoreline, with trees and buildings.

No trees, no human,
No, one man is walking on the roof. He has a big black jacket and hat. He comes to fix the air-conditioning.

An helicopter is flying in the air, toward the river.

Vue de chez Ely

Friday the 19th, 16:20

Three meters from me is the air conditioning machine.
It is on a Bahaus style building.
The architecture is made off lead, like tin soldier.
It is not very hight (3 floors) but very large. Every floor has it own balco- ny. It has old windows, long and narrow. On the 3rd floor, 2 windows are lighted.

It is not a frontal view : the left part of the building is higher.
On the left, I can see the 2nd and 3rd floor but on the right i only see the 3rd floor.
I can’t see the roof neither because i am at the 2 floor and the balcony from upstair is hiding the top of the building. The building takes 70% of the pic- ture.

Underneath, a lot of trees are hiding the ground and the 1st floor.
I can’t see the skyline because of the darkness. The sunset was 40 min ago.

Vue de chez Stasya

Friday the 19th, 15:53

It’s a dark grey outside. Everything is under the snow.
There’s a building in front, 100m away from me.
The windows are not square but diagonal. I mean, there is a part of the building which is closer to me... right is low, left is up... It has 6 floors and a sharp roof. On it I see flowers, curtains, people walking inside.

Behind the building, there are squares buildings parallel to each other, with flat roofs and 17 floors.
On the roofs, there are cubes made of concrete from where goes the eleva- tor. Wires make the connexion between each roof. There are so many roofs, it’s endless.

On the right, there is a part of my own house. (like 15% of the picture). Empty balconies. I am on the 10th floor and there are 12th.
On the left, there are :
- The highest buildings, thee windows are lighted. Offices.
- The tube of a factory throwing a strong smoke.
- Very far away, there is a beautiful building ; it’s one of the seven Stalinian great tower, a monumental construction. It’s made of white rocks, and the roof is a pyramid. On the top is a 4 big red star.

Underneath, there is a yard and four cars parked randomly. Two street-lights.

Vue de chez To

Friday the 19th, 10:46

Mon immeuble dépasse tous les autres.
Je suis au 9e étage et j’ai une fenêtre qui fait 4 m de long.

Je vois beaucoup de toits, tous plats et en béton. Certains ont des panneaux solaires. Les fenêtres sont pareilles que la mienne.
Le quartier est moderne, reconstruit après la guerre.

Un carrefour en bas avec des voitures qui roulent. Quelques personnes avec des parapluies. Un tram à droite qui traverse par le carrefour. Là, il y a un arbre sans feuille.
A droite je vois la plage et la mer. Les mouettes sont grandes par ici. Beau- coup de brouillard à l’horizon ; la mer se confond avec le ciel.

Vue de chez Haong

Friday the 19th, 10:29

J’ai beaucoup de chance.
J’ai loué un bel appartement, c’est à 1500m d’altitude.

Ma maison est sur une petite falaise.
À l’horizon, je vois 50 km plus loin.
J’ai une belle vue ; une vallée, une chaîne de montagnes...
Il n’y a pas de neige ; c’est le « printemps éternel » à Dalat.

Là, je joue au golf. Je ne regarde pas par la fenêtre mais je connais la vue que j’ai depuis ma maison.
Le matin, le soleil me réveille,
La vue change tout le temps avec la lumière.

Vue de chez Marianne

The Netherlands
Thursday the 18th, 17:32

It’s night-time outside.
I see my balcony. It is made of metal bars, and the floor is a metal grid. On the left, there are dead plants divided on five pots. There is also a bike. The balcony takes 30% of the picture.
Through the balustrade, I see my neighbor’s windows, 4 meters away from my window. I can see the inside of their living room, lighted with candles. One man is pointing something with a stick, like a conductor.
The window is open and I see the curtains waving with the wind.
A tree moves also with the wind. I just see the top of it. This is on the right side. More on the right, another window is lighted. It’s a kitchen.

Above the balcony is a sleeping room, and the rest is as dark as the sky.

Vue de chez Robert et Elvia

Thursday the 18th, 19:43

Four houses on the right, four houses on the left.
It’s retirement houses with one floor only.
Colonial style.
The blinds are white, the windows are green, the walls are yellow and the roof is black.

There is one road in front and an angle on the right with another street going far away.
There is a tunnel in front of the houses for the people to walk without being wet. It has also a bench, people can sit underneath.

In front of the houses, there is a little park with a big tree in the middle. Under it, there is an open structure (two sides with walls only) with a sharp grey roof. That’s where people get together for talking. There’s nobody now, just two chairs.
Yellow flowers.
Behind the little houses, there is the « big house of the white people », known as « Habaai Landhuis». It’s a very large house ; it has almost the same width than the 8 houses in front.

Vue de chez Diana

Thursday the 18th, 16:23

There is an old thatched cottage.
Four windows are facing me and four others are on the extension of the house. White walls... tiny door...
Cows and sheeps... It’s a farm.
Trees... Tarmac road.

A bright lemon...
A road in front is going from the left to the right, rising on the right side. Behind, there is a little church. It’s the replica of a cathedral. Near the church we have some georgian houses.
On the right, there is an old house (14th century), very long house. With a garden.
A lot and lot of hills...

Vue de chez Mouni

Thursday the 18th, 15:18

Dehors, je vois mes deux motos. Elles sont à l’entrée de la cours familiale. Dans la famille on est vingt à vivre ensemble.
Il y a juste deux personnes dehors : la femme de mon frère et leur fille de quinze ans. Elles font du jus et le mettent au frigo pour le vendre sur le marché.

Il y a la terrasse de mon frère à droite qui fait 3m avec un hangar en tôle de 2m. Il y a deux gros frigos devant sa porte.
Ma terrasse est juste en face. Elles sont faites en ciment.

Tout au bout, à 7mètres de distance, il y a une autre fenêtre mais je ne vois pas à travers car il y a des rideaux.
Un oiseau vient de se poser sur le toit en tôle. Il est rouge bizarre, de la taille d’un pigeon.

Vue de chez Peter

The Netherlands 
Thursday the 18th, 16:17

Ok for five minutes talk.
One canal is going from the left to the right and another canal cross it di- agonally. They meet each other in the middle of the window.
Three bridges.
Trees without leaves.

Two streets, some people biking.
During the winter, there are ice skaters on the canals, but not yet. No boat are passing by. Usually, tourist boats are very regular. Maintenant, un bateau-mouche !

Vue de chez Leïla

+212 6143221** 
Wednesday the 17th, 11:43

La fenêtre est faite en verre coloré bleu, vert et orange. 
La lumière qui passe à travers fait comme un arc en ciel dans la maison.
D’où je suis, on voit pas le ciel. Attends, je vais me rapprocher pour mieux voir
(Elle monte les escaliers). Il y a beaucoup de soleil. Le ciel est bleu avec des oiseaux (On entend le coq).
Je vois des maisons très traditionnelles. Devant, à droite, à gauche...trop pour les compter. A Fès, les maisons sont blanches, avec de grandes fenêtres, des toits plats, des vêtements qui sèchent sur des cordes ; elles font deux étages avec une terrasse sur le toit.
Chacun construit sa maison comme il veut. On utilise le ciment ou bien la pierre. Certaines sont petites, d’autres sont des Riads.
Certains toits sont peints en vert, comme ceux des mosquées. Il y a beau- coup de mosquées.

On voit le mausolée de l’homme qui a découvert la ville. On va là bas pour prier ou lire le Coran.
Au loin, on voit la montagne de Zalagh. Elle a donné son nom au quartier. Elle est vaste et haute. Elle est recouverte d’herbe verte. Il y a des arbres, mais ils sont tellement loins qu’on dirait des petites fleurs.

Vue de chez Chris

Tuesday the 17th, 13:35

If I look down , I see pine trees. 20 meters of pine trees further, there is an old fortress.
Built on it, there is a very modern museum. The building is inspired by the fortress. On the roof, there is a pyramide of glass like «le Louvre».
There is a smaller building connected to the left side of the main one,
It has 8 sides, it’s like a small tower. The top is also made of glass.

The connexion between the main building and pine trees is a bridge. Under the bridge are the remaining of the fortress.
Behind all this, I see a valley, with a train passing by.
Behind the valley, there is the whole city.
Behind the small tower, cars are driving from the city to the valley.

Vue de chez Gabriel

Thursday the 17th, 20:00

I am in a middle of a meeting and I can’t stay long.
There is a street, a lot of cars,
a lot of trees, blue sky,

no cloud,
a large mountain, 800 meters high.

Vue de chez Priit

Wednesday the 17th, 17:44


Through the window I see a complete darkness. Nothing but the reflection of a Buddha and a tree.
The tree is unique : It grows from the two sides, and has leaves on both hands. It is horizontal and looks like a bridge. It has two pots made of clay. The trunk is about 20 cm. It was the broken branch of a tropical tree when I planted it. It has very strong leaves like green plastic.
I see the back of a Buddha statue. Sitting, 20cm high. Buddha is wearing an orange dress and has a sharp head. Its ears are long and falling until the shoulders. One finger is broken.
And I see myself. I am wearing a grey and blue striped shirt, with a blue jean, my hair are half long, my cell phone is a Nokia.
In the room, the light comes from the ceiling, it’s like an office spotlight. I don’t see much because the metal curtains are almost completely closed.

Vue de chez Agnieszka

Wednesday the 17th, 14:58

It’s a basement window.
I see legs of people walking.
Now, there’s nobody, just a view on a garden.
On the right I see green plants, not artificial ones.
In front, I see little rocks of the path which goes to the garden. There’s also flowers in a basket.
On the left there is the neighbor’s garden.

I can see only a bit of the sky. There is no cloud.
There’s a small house with three windows. In front of it, there’s a huge christmas tree, higher than the roof of the house. It has a lightning system but on the daylight, it’s out.

Vue de chez Brenda

+49 157330616** 
Tuesday the 16th of December 2014

I am reading book at the window.
The bookshop is situated in the middle of Berlin city center. I am situated at the 4th floor. Inside is quiet, the ambiance is cosy and nice.

The outside is very animated. There are a lot of people. They are shopping for Christmas. Others are waiting at the bus station.
It’s cloudy.

Just in front, there is one street going straight to the train station. The train is going above the street.
People are leaving it from below.

Further, there are others streets and the river.
There are funny buildings on the two sides of the street. Some are new, other are old, some are offices, others are houses. It’s constrasted.

Vue de chez Manu

+32 4794432**
Tuesday the 16th of December 2014

I am on the second floor.
The whole side of the building is a big window.

I see a playground without children, and a small truck is parked. There is a building, which is a part of the school where I am, It’s a 40 years old building, it doesn’t look modern.
It has a flat roof. 5 floors, 15 meters long with normal windows ; about 2x1,5m, divided on two shutters ; one can be open.

In font of this building, there’s an old tree without leaves.
It starts to grow as a normal tree, then at about 1 meter high, it splits into two branches. It is as high as the building.

Next to the first building, there is another one which is one floor lower, old- er, with a triangular black roof. There are windows on the roof.
Cars park in front of it.
You can drive through if you take the tunnel ; it’s about 10 meters long. It leads to the hospital parking but this you can’t see.

There is a woman walking in the playground and one car is going inside the tunnel.
You can see the sun coming through the grey clouds.
I am about 15 km from Antwerp.

Vue de chez Gérard

at Radio Centraal
Tuesday the 16th of December 2014

I see walls.
There are three, more or less close to the window.
The one on the left is grey, made of bricks, with a dead climbing brown plants.
The wall in front is 5 meters away, and has many windows ; it is painted in white and inside the windows we can see plants. It occupies 40% of the picture.
30% of the right side of the view is occupied by a low wall with small trees.

There is a little brown bird with a red throat, un “rouge-gorge” en français. Anda“dunnock”,or“accenteurmouchée”.Not“ascenceur”,not“mouchetée”. A brown bird.

Vue de chez Joris

at Radio Centraal
Tuesday the 16th

I am situated 8 meters from a long window. Some branches are hiding the global view.
On the upper part, there are clouds.
On the left part of the picture, the tallest branch (the 4th one from the left) has only one leaf.
On the right side, the sky is bright and blue.
Two pieces of rope, parallel to each other, cross the view ; no clothes on it.

There is a hangar with a triangle roof. We have a frontal view of this trian- gle. There’s a little hole on it through which we can see the river.
Under it, there are decorations : a helmet with wings (46 cm diameter) and the steering wheel of a boat.

Far, on the other side of the Schelde and behind the hangar, we can see a huge apartment. Branches are taller than the flat. Ten floors are visible. Built in the 60ies. Flat roof. Many pipes and antennas on it.
Still on the roof, there is a penthouse. Next to it, there is a shape, maybe a human ?

Also on the other side there are some trees. Statistically, one seagull appears every 20 seconds.

Vue de chez Kristel

Los Angeles 
Tuesday the 16th, 19:23

My house is on a hill,
I am at the ground floor.
In front, there is another hill and a street in concrete between the two hills. There are various trees, oak trees and cactus.
In the middle of the window, there is a little christmas tree.

Across the street, there are three different houses, with different backyards in front of them :
There is a green house. It has a nice vegetable garden, a bunch of different plants, and a little tent covers a table with chairs.

On the right there is a little grey house. With a big black dog at the door. Too much trees to see the backyard.
On the left, there is a yellow house. No plant, just dirt. A picnic table is in the middle, with a white plastic chair.

The hill goes up on the left side and there is another house further, white.
The sky is very cloudy, we just had a storm last night.
It’s windy, so the sun appears sometimes behind the clouds. I see tree tops and ponds on the hill behind.

Vue de chez Gospodin

Tuesday the 16th, 17:02

I am walking in the street.
A bus is stopping.
At that time in Sofia, buses are full.
Through the window I see a lot of hats with long hair. The bus is gone.

Vue de chez Tina

Tuesday the 16th, 14:24

I am outside a cafeteria.
The cafeteria window is almost three meters large and has two blinds up. Inside, people are drinking coffee and talking ; they are dressed with scarfs.

There is a high table facing the window, with two girls talking to each oth- er in profile. They are sitting on high chairs, drinking coffee and both have shopping bags and umbrellas. Here is raining.
Above the two girls, there’s a christmas tree and cheesy decorations.
On the left side, we see the bar with two waitresses serving coffee, and the wall. The bar has a metallic grey color.
On the right side, there is the rest of the room, with 8 tables and people sitting. It ’s not full but also not completely empty.
Tables and chairs are made of wood.
Every table has a small lamp hanging with a line from the ceiling. They come approximately until the middle of the room. It brings a romantic and cosy atmosphere. Above the bistro table facing the window, there are 5 lamps like this ; Two other lamps are facing me but they are out.

Vue de chez Baptiste

+33 6195**** 
Vendredi 12 Décembre 2014

Je suis dans un bâtiment qui est très grand, les murs sont en métal imitation brique rose. Une grande baie vitrée mesure 2 mètres de haut avec deux portes d’environ 1,20 m de large. Elle donne sur un balcon avec une balustrade rose.
En face, au premier plan après le balcon, le bâtiment ultra-moderne du grand hôpital dans lequel je suis. Un jardin sur le toit.
En bas, les rails du tramway. Il y en a un qui arrive et qui marque l’arrêt. Des gens en sortent.
A l’arrière plan très loin, il y a Toulouse, on voit les grandes tours d’immeu- ble et des cheminées qui font de la fumée.
Derrière tous les immeubles il y a une colline.
Dessus, au niveau de l’arrête du bâtiment ultra-moderne, il y a une antenne géante. Mon ami Guillaume habitait au pied de cette antenne.
Un avion qui passe.
Un oiseau se pose sur l’antenne sur le bâtiment ultra moderne, et est rejoint par un autre.
Le ciel a changé. Maintenant ce sont de fines bandes bleues et dorées. Tout le reste, c’est des gros nuage gris et rebondis.

Premiers voyages

La 1ère expérience du Télétour du Monde : une semaine non-stop de phoning à travers le Monde, pour l'expo Un voyage autour de ma chambre, à Het Bos, Anvers (Belgique), à en avoir les oreilles qui sifflent ! 
Du 12 au 28 Décembre 2014.
gazet van antwerpen